Kids, this is what your ankle is going to look like if you eat too many cheeseburgers. So please eat your veggies and try to stay as active as you can everyday for as long as you can. We all know I’m not running the mile under 10 minutes w/ this puppy.
Really though. This photo was taken just 2 days after the injury happened. You can see the bruising going up my legs and the swelling going down to my toes. This is a bad thing.
As many of you know or should know by now, I have had a hurt ankle for almost a year now. The extent of the injury varies from the different doctors I’ve been to, but out of all the doctors I trust, none of them said I needed surgery. So this is good right? I thought so for a while but now I’m starting to think surgery would of been the wake up call I needed to get my mind on the right track for recovery.
It’s not that I don’t want to be 100% healthy. Believe me, I’ve been freaking out just about everyday since I hurt my ankle. Thinking how my life would be different. How much fun I would have with a healthy ankle again. How much further from depression I would be if this accident never happened. But the reality is it happened. I hurt my fucking ankle worse then ever before and I won’t run, skate, surf, jump or tip toe until it’s better.
So the next step in recover is Physical Therapy. What’s so hard about that? Nothings hard. It’s actually nice to get a workout during the day and work on my ankle to get me closer to freedom. I’m actually really excited to do it. The hard part is the money. My health insurance company only covers me w/ certain doctors and the doctors they cover are the kinds of doctors you don’t want to go to. Plus, I have a bad habit of “jumping the gun”. Meaning I rush things I shouldn’t, especially for my ankles sake. So now I’m stuck w/ bad doctors and a bad habit of running and jumping on my ankle before it’s ready.

So after a year of failed attempts to get my ankle better, I am just about back where I started. So this is it. From this day forth, I am executing “Operation Bear Paw”. It’s easier said then done I know. At this point in life though, nothing else really matters except for the people I love and this damn ankle. (progress updates will come soon)